rene teh's profile

Computation in Design #1

Computation in Design
part 1
Part one of the exercises that were given to us in school! I delved into p5.js, a coding platform aimed at crafting graphic and interactive experiences. These tasks were part of our school module, Computation in Design. It proved to be an enlightening class, unraveling various animations and interactions for future applications. Moreover, it broadened my perspective on coding, revealing that it encompasses more than just HTML and CSS.
Form in Motion
Decision Making
This activity offered a glimpse into what the coding workshops have in store. Initially, the prospect of delving into more interactive and intricate codes felt daunting and complex. However, delving deeper, it became apparent that it was both enjoyable and exhilarating. I had the opportunity to explore various programs, with "form in motion" proving to be the most challenging. It introduced concepts like sin() and tan(), which took me by surprise. While I gave it my best shot, understanding these concepts took some time and effort, and I'm still coming to grips with them.
Computation in Design #1


Computation in Design #1
